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Get Your FREE Hardcover Copy of

What Would the Rockefellers Do?

Discover How To Create and Preserve Generational Wealth Like the Wealthy Do—AND Enjoy it While You’re Alive

Do As the Wealthy Do to Have What They Have

Would you rather earn interest than pay it, and eliminate the necessity of paying fees to banks and jumping through hoops to get loans?

Are you frustrated with being over-taxed and/or being dependent on a volatile stock market?

Do you suspect that the ultra-wealthy play by a different set of rules than you do, and that their secrets have been kept just out of your reach?

What would it mean to you and your family if you knew these rules to play by them too?

This book reveals the plan used by the wealthiest individuals, families, and institutions to protect, grow, and perpetuate wealth for generations.

And here’s the good news: Anyone can use this plan, whether you’re wealthy now or not.

Furthermore, this plan isn’t about scrimping, saving, sacrificing, and delaying your enjoyment today. It’s about both growing wealth and enjoying it along the way. 

Read this book to learn how to:


  • Set up your own “family bank” and tap into the formula the wealthiest people use to grow, protect, and access their wealth.
  • Immediately increase your cash flow by plugging financial leaks and being more efficient with your money.
  • Boost your savings rate up to 400–800% without having to lock your money away.
  • Improve your retirement income up to 30–40% percent without taking any additional risk or disinheriting your family.
  • Make money every time you make big purchases like homes and cars.
  • Enjoy guaranteed loans for the rest of your life—without credit checks and at the most competitive rates, for any reason.
  • Replace budgeting—which doesn’t work—with a system that actually works, without sacrificing your lifestyle today.
  • Safeguard your wealth from lawsuits, creditors and financial predators.
  • “Keep the money together” and avoid letting your children and grandchildren spend money as they please.
  • Pass on the advantages and opportunities of new wealth without the dangerous, damaging side effects to your heirs.

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($52.39 Total Value)

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What Readers Say

“There’s many books out there with strategies for financial & wealth management but very few follow an extremely pragmatic and simple to implement solution that will help protect & deploy your money in a way that aligns with your core values. This book is a must read for any entrepreneur that wants to learn how to build a structure that will ensure multi-generational wealth.”

Dan Martell

“The Rockefellars use a trust and whole life policy to grow their wealth…Garrett explains how he personally has used his whole life policy to help him and his family create wealth, capitalize on opportunities, use like a bank, and much more. I listed for myself over 30 ways throughout the book how the “right” whole life insurance policy can be used as a “bank”, an investment, and guaranteed whole life insurance and much more. In fact, I believe most people would need at least 5 different type of financial products to equal the “right” whole life insurance policy…In short, a trust and whole life insurance policy is how the Rockefellars protect and grow their wealth and it’s why and how Garrett does too…For me, this is the smartest financial book I’ve ever read. If you like thinking outside of main stream financial advice you hear from financial “gurus” and pundits, then this is a book you should read and then to come to your own conclusions. For me personally, it’s a game-changer…”

Sal F.

“An absolute must read! I wish I had known these concepts of insurance and tursts years ago. The protection and safety they provide for my earnings is priceless!”

Christopher Lippe

“This book is an essential for every high school, college, woman, and man in the USA own and read. MIND BLOWING and straight-forward information that is foundational in building GUARANTEED wealth for self and future generations. On my top ten list for books to read for purpose, success, and happiness.”

Sankofa Ra

As an ex-investment banker, I have first hand experience that the knowledge revealed in this book is exactly what Wall Street has been hiding from Main Street for over a century. Why? Because the investment philosophy and strategies that are described in this book have been kept secret among the ultra wealthy familiies and corporations…until now. Finally, Michael and Garret reveal the true strategies that empower you to not just keep, but also grow your wealth, while protecting it inside your family. A must read for anyone who wants to leave behind a legacy of wealth, security, and freedom for their family for generations to come.

Peter Scott

“Everyone thinks of Whole Life Insurance Policies as a terrible investment. But when you look at them as a vehicle to provide a financing option for your family instead of an investment, it opens up a world of possibilities. Financing for cars, college, homes, business needs, etc….we always have a need for financing, almost more than anything else. Fast access to low interest capital can make a HUGE difference in your life and the long term financial health of your family.”

Robert W.

“Do you know anyone who has lived the retirement of their dreams by using their IRA or 401k funds only? I don’t. This book explains how to live the life of your dreams BEFORE retirement AND IN retirement using proven strategies that the wealthy have used for a hundred years. Turn off the financial TV “experts” and read this book.”

John Bartemus

“This is the 21st-century guide to creating your personal infinite banking system. If you were trying to learn and understand the benefits of owning whole life insurance within your portfolio as an accumulation vehicle, this book explains the benefits and strategy clearly. This book should be required reading material for all life, insurance agents and financial advisors.”


“The title of this book drew me in. Once I finally made the decision to actually read it, it blew my mind. All the information about cash flow insurance; the examples on other ways to “save” money and even the sample excerpts from his own statement of purpose. I already had this type of insurance before buying this book but Garrett gave me a plethora of ideas on how to benefit while I’m still alive and not worry about all the red tape that happens when borrowing from a bank or another way to get a loan. I’ve already cashed in on using some of my cash based off of the information provided. Had my money deposited into my account within 2 days.”

Marshaun Olaniyan

“This is the single best book I’ve read around how a true legacy is created and sustained, not only financially, but purposefully. There are a lot of financial strategies and products out there that promise returns with all kinds of bells and whistles. The strategies in this book are tried and true. They will outlast any economic event and grow and protect your wealth for decades, keeping your money safe, liquid, secure. Must read!”

Sarah McPhee

I have studied the Rockefellers for years…never have I had such a consice description as to how and why they have built such a legacy whereas other prominent families have failed and not withstood the test of time and ultimately lost their accumulation of wealth…thank you to the authors for breaking down this tried and true proven strategy so to allow for others to create a family legacy of their own.


“This book is amazing, can’t say enough great things about the book. Study the book, it’s worth multiple reads and endless notes. One especially eye catching part is when they talk about building “Legacy Wealth” and utilizing a family trust. Use these strategies to help put your family in the strongest financial position possible.”

Eric S.